A Week of Eco-Actions

Last week to celebrate Great Big Green Week we posted an eco-action every day on social media (you can find us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram). In case you missed it, here’s a round-up of our Great Big Green Week actions.

Saturday: Go Litter Picking

Great Big Green Week coincided with the Great British Beach Clean. You don’t have to go to a beach; litter is everywhere and even inland litter can end up in the sea.

Sunday: Spend Time in Nature

Slow down, pause and notice the wildlife. Getting outside is so good for your mental health and coping with eco-anxiety.

Monday: Have a Meat Free Monday!

Reducing your meat and dairy consumption is one of the most impactful things you can do to reduce your carbon footprint. You don’t have to go full-on vegan overnight, why not start with one meat-free day each week? Check out our vegan sausage review for inspiration!

Tuesday: Use Your Voice

Sign these petitions or write to your MP. This is so easy to do with the click of a button from your sofa! #TellThemTuesday

Wednesday: Reduce Your Digital Footprint

Unsubscribe from marketing emails, delete old emails and switch to Ecosia, the search engine that plants trees – these are all eco-actions you can do at home.

Thursday: Move Your Money

If your bank is financing fossil fuels and deforestation, consider switching to a greener bank or building society.

Friday: Put Your Feet Up & Educate Yourself!

Spend some time learning about eco issues and what you can do about them. Listen to a podcast (we recommend Sustainable(ish) by Jen Gale); watch a documentary (eg. Kiss The Ground, Seaspiracy, 2040); or read a book (buy second hand or borrow from a library). For ideas, check out eco-actions for book lovers.

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